From: Anna McCusker & Co. (Canadian Customer) Fri, May 28, 2010 at 6:01 PM
Good day John, I will share that it felt like "Christmas Morning" yesterday, here in our office. The cups are the most beautiful paper cups I have ever held in my hands!!! From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU to you and Helen for making our unveiling with the famous Canadian "roll up the rim" game. I am not certain if I shared earlier with you, the Roll Up The Rim, is a Tim Horton's Coffee game that has been made famous here in Canada over the past 20 years or so. Mr. Ron Joyce, a former owner of Tim Horton's was the person who came up with the concept for his company. Ron is also the Campaign Chair Person for McMaster Universities Capital Campaign. Hence our unveiling the final total with his invention in honour of his dedication to McMaster University and many incredible gifts that he has bestowed upon the University over the years. This is a complete surprise to Ron, we have been very tight on how we are sharing the total raised over the past five years. June 1st is when we are Celebrating. The cups will be the main focus, on Ku they will be brought out on silver trays and presented to each of the attendees, filled (perhaps half filled) with Champagne. There is a whole speech and special wording being worked on to "play the game - roll up the rim" with all in attendance. I have shared with the key individuals, your most generous and willing attitude to make this a possibility for us. The final product and the delivery (days before the event) are beyond our belief. All thanks to you and your 'can do' attitude. Helen, your initial response to my frantic email, is a true testament that there are people who really care and who love what they do. We will take photographs and will share the success and the "buzz" around the "cup", shortly after our event. With deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks, Anna and David
Anna Mccusker & Co. 218 King St. West Hamilton, ON L8P 1A9 Canada